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Company Profile

Crescent Components And Systems is a fast growing company that supplies scientific components and equipment to academic institutes like IITs, central and state universities, R&D establishments, research institutes, public sector undertakings (PSUs) and industry. The company was established in 2014 and it deals primarily in Beam Expander, Spatial Filter Assembly, Optics, Opto-mechanical Mounts/Assemblies, Lasers, Imaging Systems, Optical Fiber/Related Components, Interferometers and Adaptive Optical Sub-systems. The company is original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for optical components and opto-mechanical mounts / assemblies. As a result, we can provide both off-the-shelf and customized optical components, opto-mechanical systems and mounting assemblies. Besides this, we can supply scientific components and equipment from a wide variety reputed firms, around the globe. Our well qualified and trained engineers provide best after sale service for the supplied scientific equipment / systems, to the complete satisfaction of the users.

Business Specifics of Crescent Components And Systems:

Nature of Business

Manufacturer and Supplier

Company Establishment


Working As Original Equipment Manufacturer


Banking Partner

Punjab National Bank

Company Branches


No. of Production Units




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